Re: XHR responseArrayBuffer attribute: suggestion to replace "asBlob" with "responseType"

> After discussion with Anne and James, I retract my support for a new
> constructor.  I'm in favor of .responseType.
> Specifically, .responseType would take values like "" (for legacy
> treatment) / "text" / "document" / "arraybuffer" / "blob" / etc.  If
> the value is "", then .responseText and .responseXML are filled
> appropriately, while .response is empty.  Otherwise, .responseText and
> .responseXML are empty (or throw or something), while .response
> contains the value in the chosen format.  .responseType must be set at
> some appropriately early time; after the response is received, changes
> to .responseType are ignored or throw.
> ~TJ

So you prefer that .responseType take a string value as opposed to an
integer enum value?  Darin Fisher had the idea that introspection of the
supported values would be easier as an enum.


Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2010 22:06:10 UTC