Re: createBlobURL

  On 10/18/10 10:14 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 16:03:30 +0200, Arthur Barstow 
> <> wrote:
>>   Arun and Jonas would like to publish a new Working Draft of the 
>> File API spec and this is Call for Consensus to do so:
>> As with all of our CfCs, positive response is preferred and 
>> encouraged and silence will be assumed to be assent.
>> The deadline for comments is October 22. This comment period is a bit 
>> shorter than our typical 1-week review period but this will allow us 
>> to sync the publication of this spec with the File API: {Writer, 
>> Directories and System} specs. If this short comment period causes 
>> any issues or concerns, please let us know.
> I support publication, but [XHR2] is currently a broken link (misses a 
> # I think).

Duly noted.  I'll fix this ASAP.

> Also, if createBlobURL is the way to go -- rather than Blob.url -- can 
> we design it in a generic way so that it also works for Stream objects? 

This would be a good idea; this was noted as part of the issues [1].

Is your suggestion to have a generic method (with a better name) that 
takes Streams or Blobs as arguments?  Do you have a suggestion for 
signature or method name?

> Otherwise we will get createStreamURL as well which seems kind of 
> unnecessary. Maybe even better, can we somehow converge this with the 
> URL specification Adam Barth was working on? So you can do new 
> URL(Blob) rather than having more methods on Window?

OK, that's engineering for maximum use cases, but not a bad idea on the 
whole.  However last I checked, the URL API was a proposal as a Google 
doc[2].  Does it live somewhere more permanent?   Implementations are 
already in circulation that have *.createBlobURL which leads me to:
> Also, is there some kind of implementation summary available regarding 
> the File API specifications? With what is shipping prefixed and what 
> is shipping without a prefix? We are interested in supporting this too 
> in the distant future.

No, but there should be.   I think it's Firefox nightlies and Chromium 
nightlies for now.  Firefox isn't using a prefix on the method.

-- A*

Received on Monday, 18 October 2010 14:46:04 UTC