
Hi folks,

I am leaving Oracle today and with that I will be handing over the 
Oracle baton for this WG to Garret Swart copied on this mail.

Garret has been a key contributor internally at Oracle to both the specs 
I have been editing - Indexed Database API and Programmable HTTP Caching 
and Serving.
 I am sure he will be a great help in further advancing the two specs. 
He will be joining the WG shortly as Oracle's rep.

I had an awesome experience and better appreciation for the work that is 
involved in developing standards for the Web as part of this WG. I will 
continue to blog on these topics and continue to follow their progress.

It was really wonderful to know all the people in this WG both over 
email and in face to face meetings. I wish the best to the WG in its 

Nikunj Mehta

Received on Tuesday, 5 January 2010 19:29:05 UTC