Re: [widgets] Test suite full coverage of mandatory aspects in the P&C spec, was Re: OMTP BONDI Reference Implementation fully compliant against mandatory P&C tests

Hi Scott

Scott Wilson wrote:
> Hi Marcos,
> The latest P&C test results for Apache Wookie (incubating) are:
> 165 tests
> 16 ignored
> 17 failures
> 132 passes
> Failed: dc,d4,an,co,za,bv,rd,b2, ao,cp,cj,af,e8,bl,bm,bn,zz (though the
> last four test cases may be in error; see previous email)
> Ignored (not automatically tested - doesn't indicate failure): ds, e4,
> e5, e6, e7, z1, z2, e1, df, dr, d5, dt, dg, d6, e2, e3
> Is there a particular format you need the submission of test results to
> be in?

yes, I've created a results format:

   testsuite = ""
   product   = "wookie">

     <result for="test-id" verdict="fail | pass"></result>


     <result for="cd" verdict="fail">failed because xyz was returned 
instead of zyx</result>

     <result for="zz" verdict="pass"/>



If you can provide me with a wookie.xml file, then I will include it in 
the results in the implementation report. Also, if the W3C has set up 
CVS access for you, you will be able to control your own result set 
(which is ideal). If the W3C has not yet set up CVS access for you, you 
need to talk to our team contact (Steven Pemberton 
<>) and he can sort that our for you.

Hope that helps,

Received on Monday, 30 November 2009 11:46:40 UTC