Re: Renaming WebDatabase and WebSimpleDB

On Nov 26, 2009, at 7:29 AM, ext Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 12:40:21 +0100, Ian Hickson <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 26 Nov 2009, Nikunj R. Mehta wrote:
>>> Here's my suggestion:
>>> 1. WebDatabase be renamed to WebSQLDatabase
>>> 2. WebSimpleDB be renamed to ISAM Database Level 1
>> Fine by me. I expect to actually make the change to the Web Database
>> spec's name sometime next week when I finish going through pending
>> feedback (i.e. when I reach this e-mail in my feedback pile).
> I think it should be Web SQL Database. Removing the spaces in the  
> title
> makes no sense to me. (It didn't make sense for WebSimpleDB either  
> imo.)

I agree with Anne.

Unless some objects to Web SQL Database and #2 above by November 30,  
let's please use these two new titles going forward.

-Art Barstow

Received on Thursday, 26 November 2009 13:30:34 UTC