Re: Renaming WebDatabase and WebSimpleDB

Hi Nikunj,

> @2009-11-26 02:00 -0800:
>  Here's my suggestion:
>  1. WebDatabase be renamed to WebSQLDatabase
>  2. WebSimpleDB be renamed to ISAM Database Level 1

I don't think "ISAM Database Level 1" is an improvement.

As an alternative title, I suggest "Web Key-Value Database".

As far as what's wrong with "ISAM Database Level 1": For one
thing, the term "ISAM" is not actually mentioned anywhere in the
text of the current draft itself. Also, I would wonder whether
most people in this group and on this mailing list know what
"ISAM" is. I didn't. I had to look it up to see what it means. I
think it would be preferable to have a title that doesn't
reference a technology term that'll be obscure to most readers.

I also suggest not including "Level 1" in the title unless/until
we also publish a "Level 2" draft.

And as far as the "Web" part of the title, the benefit of retaining
that in the title is that it's a convention that's developed as a
shorthand to indicate that a draft is for a technology that's
intended to be part of the Web platform -- and to be implemented
in Web clients/user-agents -- as opposed to being something
intended to be implemented on the server side, or as opposed to
something intended to be implemented for some other purpose than
for delivering and interacting with content on the Web.


Michael(tm) Smith

Received on Monday, 30 November 2009 22:35:57 UTC