Re: [ElementTraversal]: Feature string for DOMImplementation.hasFeature(feature, version)?

Hi, Michael-

Sorry for the tardy response.

This was an unfortunate oversight.  I've now added this to the proposed 
errata [1].  Please let me know if this suits your needs.


-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Michael Glavassevich wrote (on 10/16/09 4:14 PM):
> Hi all,
> Just thought I'd check again. Has this been discussed or resolved? We're
> planning on having a Xerces-J release in December and would be nice if
> we could provide this to users (assuming the spec plans to adopt it).
> Thanks.
> Michael Glavassevich
> XML Parser Development
> IBM Toronto Lab
> E-mail:
> E-mail:
> Michael Glavassevich <> wrote on 06/01/2009 10:47:07 PM:
>>  Hi Arthur / Doug,
>>  Just following up. Has there been any discussion on this issue?
>>  Thanks.
>>  Michael Glavassevich
>>  XML Parser Development
>>  IBM Toronto Lab
>>  E-mail:
>>  E-mail:
>>  Arthur Barstow <> wrote on 01/14/2009 10:07:36 AM:
>>  > Hi Michael - Doug agreed to respond to this e-mail so expect a
>>  > reply/proposal from him RSN.
>>  >
>>  > -Regards, Art Barstow
>>  >
>>  > On Jan 12, 2009, at 2:02 AM, ext Michael Glavassevich wrote:
>>  >
>>  > Hi WG,
>>  >
>>  > The DOM Core specification and other DOM modules define feature
>>  > strings [1] which applications can query to check whether or not a
>>  > specific DOM module is supported by a DOMImplementation. For
>>  > example, DOM Level 2 Traversal and Range [2] says: "A DOM
>>  > application may use the hasFeature(feature, version) method of the
>>  > DOMImplementation interface with parameter values "Traversal" and
>>  > "2.0" (respectively) to determine whether or not this module is
>>  > supported by the implementation." These feature strings are also
>>  > useful for selecting a DOMImplementation which supports a specific
>>  > set of features through the methods provided by
>>  DOMImplementationRegistry [3].
>>  >
>>  > After reading the spec it doesn't seem like Element Traversal has
>>  > such a string defined for it, so applications would have no standard
>>  > way for selecting a DOMImplementation which supports Element
>>  > Traversal or determining whether the DOMImplementation instance they
>>  > already have supports it. Is there a reason a feature string was
>>  > omitted from the spec? An oversight, perhaps? Can this be added to
>>  the errata?
>>  >
>>  > Thanks.
>>  >
>>  > [1]
>>  > html#DOMFeatures
>>  > [2]
>>  > Range-20001113/traversal.html#Traversal-overview
>>  > [3]
>>  > html#Bootstrap
>>  >
>>  > Michael Glavassevich
>>  > XML Parser Development
>>  > IBM Toronto Lab
>>  > E-mail:
>>  > E-mail:

Received on Friday, 16 October 2009 23:47:02 UTC