[cors] update (oct5)

I updated CORS over the past few days:



  * Redirects only work for simple requests

  * Origin header semantics are left to the draft that defines the Origin  
header, apart from the requirement as to what the initial origin should be.

  * HTML5 is no longer used for origin related definitions and therefore  
removed as dependency.

  * Switched dependency from RFC 2616 to httpbis assuming that will be done  
before this specification is completely done.

  * Added non-normative reference for the various potential CORS API  
specifications mentioned throughout the draft.

  * Removed the @font-face construct use case per a comment.

I suggest we try to resolve the remaining open issues in the issue tracker  
during the F2F. It would also be good if someone could volunteer for a  
test suite.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 5 October 2009 15:32:14 UTC