Re: [whatwg/fetch] Strengthen requirements on CORS-safelisted request-headers (#736)

yutakahirano commented on this pull request.

> +            * interesting test: "Content-Type: text/plain;" -->
+   <dt>`<code><a href=>DPR</a></code>`
+   <dt>`<code><a href=>Downlink</a></code>`
+   <dt>`<code><a href=>Save-Data</a></code>`
+   <dt>`<code><a href=>Viewport-Width</a></code>`
+   <dt>`<code><a href=>Width</a></code>`
+   <dd><p>If <var>value</var>, <a lt="extract header values">once extracted</a>, is failure, then
+   return false.
+   <dt>Otherwise
+   <dd><p>Return false.
+  </dl>
+ <li><p>If <var>value</var>'s <a for="byte sequence">length</a> is greater than 128, then return
+ false.

Don't we need to think about the total length of all headers, rather than the length of each header?

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Received on Friday, 25 May 2018 09:47:29 UTC