from May 2017 by subject

[accelerometer-tests][ambient-light-tests][generic-sensor-tests][gyroscope-tests][magnetometer-tests] Generic Sensor: Extract common tests in a single file (#4386)

[clipboard-apis-tests] Merging generated clipboard API tests (#1242)

[css-flexbox-1-tests] [css-flexbox] Add tests for intrinsic sizing behavior (#5281)

[css-flexbox-1-tests] [css-flexbox] Add tests for intrinsic sizing behavior (#5791)

[css-grid-1-tests] [css-grid] Ignore collapsed tracks on content-distribution alignment (#5756)

[css-tables] Add spec link(s) to 8 tests (#5747)

[CSS2-tests] Test 'line-height: 1' is consistent with system fallback (#5773)

[custom-elements-tests] Test that window.customElements is per global, not per-document (#)

[custom-elements-tests] Test that window.customElements is per global, not per-document (#5681)

[geolocation-API-tests] Cleanup testharness-related code (#5559)

[geometry-1-tests] [geometry-1] Add DOMRect test for Editor’s Draft. (#)

[geometry-1-tests] [geometry-1] Add DOMRect test for Editor’s Draft. (#5740)

[geometry-1-tests] [geometry] Test new DOMMatrix("none") and variants (#5777)

[geometry-1-tests] [geometry] Test that DOMMatrix CSS parsing is not exposed in workers (#5769)

[geometry-1-tests] Test passing undefined to DOMMatrix/DOMMatrixReadOnly constructors (#5719)

[geometry-1-tests][infra-tests] [geometry] Test that DOMMatrix CSS parsing is not exposed in workers (#)

[geometry-1-tests][infra-tests] [geometry] Test that DOMMatrix CSS parsing is not exposed in workers (#5769)

[geometry-1-tests][infra-tests] [geometry] Test WebKitCSSMatrix and add historical.html (#5780)

[html-tests] <a>, <area>, and <link> must have an active document check (#5758)

[html-tests] <form> submission checks (#5761)

[html-tests] [html] Add test for shared event loops (#5738)

[html-tests] Add a test for property lookup in event handlers (#5757)

[html-tests] Add tests for turning off spellchecking (#4608)

[html-tests] Annevk/html ancestororigins (#5402)

[html-tests] Aryeh's submission (#1)

[html-tests] Disconnected <a> should not navigate (#5759)

[html-tests] Disconnected <a> should still navigate (#5759)

[html-tests] Source browsing tests (WIP) (#3060)

[html-tests] Test that window.location is per global (#5778)

[html-tests] Third and final batch: semantics (#20)

[html-tests] Verify <img ismap> server coordinate origin interop (#)

[html-tests][infra-tests] Fix broken URL that made lint fail (#5793)

[html-tests][webmessaging-tests] Add tests for the messageerror IDL and content attributes (#)

[infra-tests] [webidl] Assert prototype immutability (#5788)

[infra-tests] [wptrunner] Guard against empty command_queue in BrowserManager.send_message (#5774)

[infra-tests] Add sauce labs capability (#5231)

[infra-tests] DEBUG Capture output from timeout (#5708)

[infra-tests] Introduce automated tests for testharness.js (#5627)

[infra-tests] Switch to in-tree wptrunner for stability_check (#5722)

[infra-tests] Testing the bot (#2507)

[infra-tests] Two tools-related doc fixes (#5744)

[infra-tests] use context manager instead of prerun script (#5771)

[infra-tests][mediacapture-streams-tests] ENH: Update to latest specs. (#2729)

[mediacapture-streams-tests] Add IDL test for mediacapture-streams (#5768)

[mixed-content-tests] Avoid sending mixed-content requests for ImageSet contexts (#5782)

[navigation-timing-tests][server-timing-tests][user-timing-tests] Server-Timing (#5779)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] Add a fundamental test for defaultRequest (#5767)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] Improve the test for PresentationConnection.send (#5766)

[presentation-api-tests] [presentation-api] Update tests for onconnect, onclose and onterminate (#5794)

[presentation-api-tests] Use promise_test instead of async_test (#4330)

[resource-timing-tests] Add TAO tests for Resource Timing (#5117)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Add new test for `:focus-within` pseudo-class (#)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Add new test for `:focus-within` pseudo-class (#5750)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Remove setTimeout() calls on :focus-within Shadow DOM tests (#5594)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Use specific reference for focus-within-006 (#)

[selectors4-tests] [selectors4] Use specific reference for focus-within-006 (#5786)

[service-workers-tests] Add tests for the messageerror IDL attribute in service workers (#5628)

[service-workers-tests] Upstream service worker `fetch` tests to WPT (#5745)

[service-workers-tests] Upstream service worker registration tests to WPT (#5772)

[shadow-dom-tests] Untabify slots-fallback-in-document.html. (#5749)

[url-tests] [url] Test more whitespace stripping intricacies (#5792)

[url-tests] URL: windows drive letter quirk in the file state (#5754)

[url-tests] should throw for URL parser failures (#5776)

[wai-aria-tests] Update expectations for AX API for feed role (#5743)

[web-animations-tests] Upstream time-consistent-across-frames.html from Blink (#3345)

[WebCryptoAPI-tests] Added [SecureContext] to the subtle attribute (#5730)

[WebIDL-tests] Test [[HasInstance]] and legacy callback interface objects (#5762)

[webmessaging-tests] Remove invalid messageerror test (#5746)

[webrtc-tests] Add @youennf to webrtc/OWNERS (#5787)

[webrtc-tests] Add centralized IDL test for WebRTC (#)

[webrtc-tests] Add centralized IDL test for WebRTC (#5712)

[webrtc-tests] Add test on pending promise behavior after PeerConnection is closed (#)

[webrtc-tests] Add test on pending promise behavior after PeerConnection is closed (#5753)

[webrtc-tests] Add testing of error codes for bogus setRemoteDescription calls (Resubmit) (#)

[webrtc-tests] Add testing of error codes for bogus setRemoteDescription calls (Resubmit) (#5748)

[webrtc-tests] Adding tests for RTCDataChannel id attribute. (#)

[webrtc-tests] Adding tests for RTCDataChannel id attribute. (#5742)

[webrtc-tests] Adds testing of error codes for bogus setRemoteDescription calls. (#4243)

[webrtc-tests] Update RTCPeerConnection IDL test to latest editor draft (#5693)

[webrtc-tests] webrtc: remove setRemoteDescription / msid test (#5602)

[xhr-tests] Test a non-primitive in FormData iteration (#5741)

Add garykac to clipboard/OWNERS (#5763)

Clarify that assert_equals relies on === (#5751)

Create new top-level dir, OWNERS for CSS Paint API (#5723)

Image Capture: add idlharness WPT (#5765)

Initial pass of WebVR 1.1 conformance tests (#5535)

Rename KeyLock to KeyboardLock and return enum from IPC (#5764)

Update CM API IDL to use SecureContext (#5755)

Last message date: Friday, 5 May 2017 11:12:51 UTC