Re: [infra-tests] use context manager instead of prerun script (#5771)

Review status: 8 of 9 files reviewed at latest revision, 3 unresolved discussions.


*[tools/wptrunner/wptrunner/browsers/, line 169 at r2]( ([raw file](*
<details><summary><i>Previously, jgraham wrote…</i></summary><blockquote>

`temp_path` seems to be undefined here always. Using `try/except` isn't great; it's better to check if the dir was actually created and then try to delete it (with `try/except` just catching the `OSError` for the directory not exisitng anymore.

Done. Ah yeah, I forgot to replace that name with `tempfile.gettempdir()`, and of course ignoring all errors didn't cause it to break my build. Consider my wrist slapped.


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Received on Thursday, 4 May 2017 12:46:48 UTC