Re: [Beacon] spec feedback + few suggestions

On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 12:34 AM, Doug Turner <> wrote:

> A couple questions about the spec:
> 1) In section 4.2, it talks about the Cross-origin policy.  I am wondering
> why there is a difference between PUT and the other verbs.  It is probably
> an obvious answer that I am not seeing.

PUT is not a "simple method" [1], which means it would require a preflight
request before the actual beacon is dispatched -- this only applies to
cross-origin requests.


> 2) I think we should discuss what sort of HTTP headers must be sent with
> the Beacon.  Suppose that we want to send the cookie header along with the
> beacon.  If the cookie values change between the time the beacon is sent
> and the time we get around to actually making the http request, is it
> ‘okay’ to use new value?  Maybe we can ignore all of this, and make these
> beacon requests “sandboxed” such that there is no cookie information sent.
>  Thoughts?

a) We definitely can't ignore cookies.. Cookies should be sent by default.
b) We should send cookies as they were when sendBeacon() is called by the

> 3) Assuming that we are going to send cookie information… Why can’t the
> |data| parameter of sendBeacon be null?  I don't see any reason why we'd
> care very much of the developer wants to send a beacon back with empty
> content.

Yeah, we need to allow this to enable GET beacons also.

Received on Sunday, 10 November 2013 16:25:10 UTC