Re: Introduction

Hi all -

Just a quick note of introduction. I work at Telefónica where I am the W3C
Advisory Committee representative and I am also co-chairing the Technical
Architecture Group (  I co-chaired (with Jo) the
Mobile Web Best Practices group which some of you have participated in.
At Telefónica, I am active in the Firefox OS project.

I have a long time interest in the Web on mobile devices, dating back to
1998 when I worked with devices such as the Palm VII.

One potential work item I would like to suggest for this group:
encouraging the adoption of APIs which are already well-along the
standardization track but are not yet being shipped by key browser makers
in the industry. The battery management API comes to mind as a good
example.  It's in CR ( and it's
implemented in Firefox
( but
it's not implemented yet in anything else.

Can this group take up the cause of naming and shaming browser makers who
are not choosing to implement these APIs and thereby hold the Web back?


Received on Wednesday, 18 September 2013 15:13:43 UTC