Re: Work on closing out our last items

I Peter,

	This started as a page to put the UI context language in context. It turned into a more general analysis which ended up with a conclusion that perhaps some top level X would work better in those places where we didn't already have simpler language. 

So for now, it is what it is. It is an analysis and it is data. It is not meant to prove anything and does not have a particular point of view.

It did have some preliminary thoughts and those are at the top of page.

As to the colors, those are mostly just things that I put on the page as we were trying to analyze it to make it easy for me to find occurrences of words. You can do this with search as well.  They don't mean anything in particular.  

(I DID put some text in red with square brackets around them.  they do mean something -- as noted at the top of the page and can be found by searching for the square brackets) 

Gregg Vanderheiden Ph.D.
Director Trace R&D Center
Professor Industrial & Systems Engineering
and Biomedical Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Co-Director, Raising the Floor - International
and the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure Project   ---

On Aug 7, 2012, at 3:14 PM, Peter Korn <> wrote:

> Hi Gregg,
> Sorry for the pun... but I'm afraid there isn't enough context on the 'ui-context-in-context' page.  
> What exactly is the purpose & proposal here?  This is an analysis of existing language and opinions on what does/doesn't work relating to UI Context and/or Top-level-frame (or the not define "top-level-presentation-unit"), yes?
> Are you proposing anything specific be changed?  If so, where?
> Also, I don't follow your use of black, red, and blue text color in the third and fourth columns.  They don't appear in brackets, so they won't be accessible to folks with some kinds of color blindness.  Are they meant to convey meaning?
> Regards,
> Peter
> On 8/7/2012 11:09 AM, Gregg Vanderheiden wrote:
>> I would point people to two pages that are of interest -- and may help in our final items
>> Gregg
>> --------------------------------------------------------
>> Gregg Vanderheiden Ph.D.
>> Director Trace R&D Center
>> Professor Industrial & Systems Engineering
>> and Biomedical Engineering
>> University of Wisconsin-Madison
>> Co-Director, Raising the Floor - International
>> and the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure Project
>>   ---
> -- 
> <oracle_sig_logo.gif>
> Peter Korn | Accessibility Principal
> Phone: +1 650 506 9522 
> Oracle Corporate Architecture Group
> 500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94065 
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Received on Wednesday, 8 August 2012 04:44:26 UTC