EOW2 TF: Minutes, upcoming work & schedule

EOWG WCAG 2.0 Materials Support Task Force Participants:

Minutes from today's teleconference are at:

Upcoming work & schedule:

1. "Process 101"
- Shawn send revised rough draft to TF list for comment, probably on Tue 1 August
- TF please comment on list Tuesday or Wednesday
- EOWG discuss on Fri 4 August (Ben, you're welcome to join if you'd like :)

2. Transitioning from WCAG 1.0 to 2.0
- Henny send update requirements and rough concept draft to TF list, probably by Thur 3 August
- TF please comment on list by Tue 8 Aug
- We'll decide whether to bring this back for TF discussion or take to EOWG, based on e-mail feedback from TF

* Fri 4 Aug - EOWG discuss "Process 101"
* Mon 7 Aug - TF teleconference TBD (Henny is not available. I probably won't have "Process 101" edits from Friday. Therefore, we might not have anything ready for discussion.)
* Fri 11 Aug - EOWG possibly discuss "Process 101" edits &/or Transitioning Requirements
* Mon 14 Aug - TF probably discuss Transitioning, and maybe final draft of "Process 101"
* Fri 18 Aug - EOWG hopefully discuss final draft of "Process 101"
* Mon 21 Aug - TF probably discuss Transitioning

~ Shawn

Received on Monday, 31 July 2006 23:42:37 UTC