Re: "Process 101" requirements for your review and comment

> not fully clear what "Process 101" is...

In universities and colleges in the US and I think some other countries, the first course that you take in a subject is numbered 101, e.g., Chemistry 101. Generally courses numbered in the 100s are for first year students, 200 for second year, etc. 

So "Process 101" is a "shortcut" for basic introduction, overview, "for dummies/idiots" or such. :-)

Note that this is a "working title" only and not what the final doc would be called.

> Under the question marks (??) is there mileage adding the question
> "Should I be starting to use WCAG 2.0?".

Yes, I think that is a good point to consider -- AND it overlaps with your transitioning from WCAG 1.0 to WCAG 2.0 document(s).

Good discussion topic for tonight's call.

~ Shawn

Received on Monday, 31 July 2006 19:42:41 UTC