RE: Quick action

Three comments:
(1) For the definition of "transcript," I suggest adding the following after
"sounds": "narration and dialogue." The phrase would read: "sounds,
narration, and dialogue in an audio clip." (2) I also have a question about
where the apostrophe should be placed in the term "beginners." Is it a
"beginner's" (for one beginner) or "beginners'" (for many beginners)
lexicon. I prefer "beginners'". (3) For introduction statement, I suggest
adding after "aid translators" the following "and novices." The sentence
would read: "The purpose of setting up this beginners' lexicon is to aid
translators and novices by describing..."

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Henk Snetselaar
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2005 4:44 PM
Subject: Quick action

Hi all,

Due to last EOWG call here some proposals and requests.

With the input of last EOWG call and additional suggestions of people like
Andrew and Pasquale, I altered some of the descriptions of our provisional
results presented to EOWG the 12th of January.

You will find a next LexiconOverview version 12 as attachment. See
especially the worksheet titled 'Lex-ATAG'. In this sheet you will find in
column A our proposal of 12 January, in column B the altered descriptions
since 14 January and in column C some notes about the changes I made.

Please read the altered descriptions and reply to the list whether you agree
or not no later than Monday 17 January.

Below follows an introduction for the ATAG people when sending our
description proposals. Please read, consider and comment also about this

The EOWG has initiated a 'Lexicon Task Force' that is setting up a
'Beginners Lexicon' of WAI terms. This should become a concise lexicon with
descriptions in clear and plain language. The purpose of setting up this
beginners lexicon is to aid translators by describing the meaning of
(technical) terms with a 'WAI contextual meaning'. See list below for
document addresses concerning the Lexicon work.

While selecting the entries for this lexicon we collected the entries that
are also part of the ATAG 2.0 Glossary draft. For some of the ATAG 2.0
glossary entries we will propose an alternative description. 

Lexicon addresses information:
- First draft of a Lexicon overview: 
- Lexicon requirements document: 
- Lexicon Task Force Work Statement: 
- Lexicon list archives: 

H. Snetselaar
Bartimeus Educational Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted &
Foundation Bartiméus Accessibility
Utrechtseweg 84, 3702 AD  Zeist, the Netherlands
Tel: +31-(0)30-6982211 or +31(0)30-6982350
Fax: +31-(0)30-6982388
Website: and
Zie voor disclaimer (Read our disclaimer): 

Received on Sunday, 16 January 2005 15:46:30 UTC