Re: Require security review before FPWD

On Nov 3, 2014, at 15:22 , Sam Ruby <> wrote:

> Requiring all documents between FPWD and CR to include a status of various reviews would indeed be a good thing.  Doing so would reinforce the message that such activities be done early without unduly slowing down the process.
> I don't think that this should be limited to security.  PLH listed[1] a few other areas that should be considered.

Nor me.  I actually think privacy is at least as much, if not more of, a nightmare for the W3C.  Accessibility, i18n are two others that come to mind.

>> David Singer
>> Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.
> [1]

David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Monday, 3 November 2014 16:03:14 UTC