w3process-ISSUE-50 (Directors-Calls): If LC and CR are combined, Director's Calls can be excessive overhead [Processes that Suck e.g. too much time, resources, make work, etc.]

w3process-ISSUE-50 (Directors-Calls): If LC and CR are combined, Director's Calls can be excessive overhead  [Processes that Suck e.g. too much time, resources, make work, etc.]


Raised by: Arthur Barstow
On product: Processes that Suck e.g. too much time, resources, make work, etc.

It appears to me that if LC and CR are combined and the Team insists on having a Director's call before a LC+CR is published, then the number of calls becomes excessive overhead for those specs that have multiple LC+CRs. (One data point here is DOM 3 Events which should have its 4th LC in Q4-2013

Received on Thursday, 31 October 2013 22:11:03 UTC