w3process-ISSUE-67 (Ch7-Education-Is-the-Key): Rather than change LC and CR, it seems like it would be more effective to attack the cycle problem via Education and Outreach [Document life cycle (ch 7)]

w3process-ISSUE-67 (Ch7-Education-Is-the-Key): Rather than change LC and CR, it seems like it would be more effective  to attack the cycle problem via Education and Outreach [Document life cycle (ch 7)]


Raised by: Arthur Barstow
On product: Document life cycle (ch 7)



Rather than change LC and CR, it seems like it would be more effective 
to attack the cycle problem via Education and Outreach f.ex. create Best 
Practices that describe the cycle problem, provide guidance on how to 
avoid the problem, encourages early testing, encourages early 
implementations, etc. (Very few new WGs are created each year and if the 
new WG Chair(s) is inexperienced, the Team should provide extra support 
to the group to make sure they understand the potential `gotchas` and 
how to avoid them.)


Received on Wednesday, 27 November 2013 15:32:14 UTC