> For example, IBM has a Twitter account for France, in French:
> https://twitter.com/ibm_france
> But AFAIK there's no organization "IBM France". Nor is there a separate
> top-level domain or subdomain for French speakers in France accessing IBM
> material, but only a folder-level web presence [3] - making it impossible
> to unambiguously declare @ibm_france as "the Twitter account available in
> French for IBM users in France" using the Google method.
Sidenote: IBM France is a division of IBM...but who cares... it's still an
organization in a nutshell. Most enterprises have regional or country
level divisions with applicable taxes or NOT ;) and some maybe legal
entities or not...but they are still sub-organizations for the parent
organization with their own culture, webpages, brochures, OnlineAccounts,
etc. Incidentally, in Freebase we called them divisions also.
Organizations in schema.org or just that with no requirement for
legalization, btw, like my weekend casual soccer club of 5 guys.
+ThadGuidry <https://www.google.com/+ThadGuidry>