Semantics of domain and range includes confirmed (was : Re: Someone please look at my site_

--- Stuff that is directly relevant to The Bicycling Guitarist: ---

schema:genre was only  modified to allow its application to instances of
music groups on  November 6th 2014 in revision

The rich snibbet testing tool is using an older version of

----- Stuff that is relevant to anyone trying to interpret ----

The error seems to confirm that the semantics of domainIncludes and
rangeIncludes are that:
 For a given version of the schema (as defined  by the canonical document ), the domain and range of a
property are equivalent to the union of all domainIncludes and
rangeIncludes respectively.

The domain and range of the property are of course also constrained by the
domain and range of its super-properties; often the restrictions on the
super property are directly embedded in those of the sub property.  For

schema:position has domainIncludes statements of schema:CreativeWork ,
schema:position has rangeIncludes statements of schema:Integer, schema:Text.

schema:volumeNumber is a sub property of schema:position
schema:volumeNumber has domain includes statements of
schema:volumeNumber has range includes statements: schema:Integer,

schema:PublicationVolume is a sub class of schema:CreateWork

>From this we can conclude that:

The domain of schema:position is (schema:CreativeWork or  schema:ListItem)
The range of schema:position is   (schema:Integer or schema:Text)

The domain of schema:volumeNumber is schema:PublicationVolume and
(schema:CreativeWork or  schema:ListItem)
       =  (schema:PublicationVolume and schema:CreativeWork) or
(schema:PublicationVolume and schema:ListItem)
       =  schema:PublicationVolume or (schema:PublicationVolume and
       =  schema:PublicationVolume

---- stuff that remains mysterious ----

The rich snibbet tester complains if certain mandatory properties are not
specified.  There does not seem to be a mechanism for determining which
properties are mandatory.


On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 2:58 PM, The Bicycling Guitarist <> wrote:

>   I have been trying for more than a year to implement structured data
> throughout my site. I have posted in the Google forum about this but
> haven’t gotten any responses to any of my most recent questions.
> On  I have two videos
> each marked up as workExample of the same song but do not know if that is
> correct.
> The most important page of my site is the home page of course at
>  Again I am not sure if I have marked up
> as much as I should the way I should. I also found that the Google
> structured data testing tool reports an error when I use genre as a
> property of MusicGroup even though the page says it is okay
> and the Stuctured Data Linter reads it without reporting it as an error.
> I also found that the example given on the breadcrumb page
> generates an html error in the w3c unicorn validator. I found an easy fix
> that works in Unicorn and still gives the structured data in the Google
> SDTT. See any of my pages’ breadcrumb navigation for an example (I moved
> the separator character inside the li). Again, not sure if this is okay,
> but the bottom line is that the code as supplied does not validate
> according to w3c, and my fix does and still gives the structured data.
> Some WW2 veterans shared stories I published for them including one at
> Some of my
> Studies pages have a lot of markup too such as
> and
> Basically every page of my site is as marked up as I can figure how to do,
> but I do want to know if I am doing this correctly and in the proper spirit
> of the intention of Am I marking up too much maybe when I add
> meta tags for encodingFormat and contentSize to AudioObject mp3 files on my
> song pages? Any suggestions on how to improve what I am doing will be
> greatly appreciated. thanks

Received on Friday, 16 January 2015 22:42:24 UTC