Re: What is A technical briefing paper

On 05/06/2014 22:04, Jarno van Driel wrote:
>     "...There are mechanisms for jumping out of the nested hierarchy,
>     for example the itemref property in microdata allows links to be
>     made between items described in separate sections on a webpage is
>     supported within"
> In regards to this:
> Microdata's @itemid (global identifier) is now supported by Google. 
> Both Google's Webmaster Tools and Structured Data Testing Tool show 
> the proper data being extracted. @itemref stills generates duplicate 
> instances of data in the graph. By referring to an @itemid instead of 
> using @itemref you no longer have all the duplicates. (all be it 
> @itemid and @itemref can't always be swopped as they are different 
> beasts and work differently)

Thanks Jarno, that's interesting and very useful to know.

Just before the bit you quote the briefing says
> "Provided an item (in this case the person who made the contribution 
> or their affiliation) is uniquely identified a search application may 
> aggregate information about that item from several sources"
which I think covers itemid (I didn't mention it explicitly because I 
didn't want to go anywhere near the difference between @itemid and's url property. yes, I know, I'm a lightweight).

There's clearly more that could be said about @itemid and @itemref and 
demerging the information graph from the constraints of the webpage, and 
nuances that could be better expressed, but I'm not sure there is 
anything in briefing about this that is wrong. So I treat this as an 
accepted "suggested improvement" rather than a "must fix bug".


Phil Barker           @philbarker
Heriot-Watt University

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Received on Friday, 6 June 2014 08:33:13 UTC