Proposal: Audiobook

This is a proposal from the Schema Bib Extend Group<>, consisting of 80+ people from a broad cross section of publishers, libraries, and others interested in enhancing<>'s capabilities in the area of bibliographic and associated resources.

To create a new Type: 'Audiobook'

An audiobook is sufficiently different to other book types to warrant the proposal for another type.

The proposal is that Audiobook is a sub-type of both Book<> and AudioObject<>.  I am not sure if I have seen a Type in Schema that has more than one super-type before, so I am wondering if this is a valid approach.

Detailed proposal posted on the WebSchemas wiki: Audiobook<>

Richard Wallis
Technology Evangelist, OCLC

Received on Thursday, 19 September 2013 11:30:39 UTC