vocabulary collaboration - room available at ISWC2013, Sydney

(Apologies to those of you who aren't in Sydney for ISWC2013)

I've just posted in the Web
Schemas wiki. Since we have quite a few members of the Web Schemas
( group here at ISWC, as well as some of the team, I've arranged for an ad-hoc 'vocabulary collaboration
room' here (Bayside 201) at the conference on thursday and friday.
We'll also be joining Guha for his opening keynote on Wednesday.

Sometimes it is easier to talk through schema design issues
face-to-face than in email. Feel free to make use of the room during
any of the times listed in the Wiki. If you'd like other like-minded
people to be there at the same time, we can use this mail thread and
the wiki page to coordinate... As I mentioned in the Wiki page, we're
not planning to have people 'on duty' in the room all the
time, there are too many other interesting things happening at the
conference. But it seemed useful to have a quiet space available for
collaboration on shared schemas...



Received on Monday, 21 October 2013 23:30:45 UTC