- From: Hetrea, Carmen <CHetrea@eb.com>
- Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 17:45:35 +0000
- To: list <public-vocabs@w3.org>
- CC: "Hetrea, Carmen" <CHetrea@eb.com>, "Cranmer, Paul" <PCranmer@eb.com>
- Message-ID: <71fa35b8d9544575a277366bc05a22bf@MAIL03.britannica.net>
Hi, all, We have not heard back from the contact group below and are wondering whether our proposal has been received and whether it is being considered. I will try to resubmit it to the various e-mail addresses that I can find but would be grateful for a brief reply from someone working on the schema.org extensions. Sincerely, Carmen Hetrea Director of Knowledge Architecture, Encyclopaedia Britannica 312.347.7071; chetrea@eb.com From: Hetrea, Carmen Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 1:42 PM To: schema-org-contact@googlegroups.com Cc: Cranmer, Paul; Hetrea, Carmen Subject: proposal by Encyclopaedia Britannica SCHEMA.ORG ONTOLOGY EXPANSION - a PROPOSAL by Encyclopaedia Britannica As demonstrated at the Frankfurt Academy's CONTEC 2013 Conference<http://www.buchmesse.de/de/academy/programm/00659/#1> --part of the 2013 Frankfurt Book Fair, there is an increased awareness in the publishing community of the usefulness of the Semantic Web. It is also becoming quite evident that the global publishing community is looking for help and leadership in making the transition to the Semantic Web. We here at Encyclopaedia Britannica have recognized the need to expand the schema.org ontology to accommodate a general knowledge view of the information provided on the Web. It is our hope that we can play an active role in this effort, based on our experience as a general-knowledge content provider, and help facilitate this transition while at the same time assist the expansion of schema.org. Currently, the top Class in schema.org is Thing. The average person thinks of a Thing as merely one of the standardly recognized organizational categories, those being People, Places, Events, Organizations, Things (objects), and Concepts. There is no Class with its corresponding set of Properties to deal with a Concept as opposed to existing Entities. Also, the properties for People, Organizations, and Events are geared only toward currently active entities rather than toward historical information. We at Encyclopaedia Britannica strongly believe that there is a real need for a general knowledge view of information and would like to propose that a schema.org ontology be based on it. Such a general knowledge view would automatically include the Classes and Properties that support a business's need to make its information more visible for online retrieval while also enabling publishers of general knowledge content to semantically describe their data. Proposal: 1. We propose top Class changes Top Class: SchemaOrgClass Two major Subclass divisions of information: Concept and Entity. 2. We propose to allow multiple class designation for a given Webpage This will allow content providers to classify both the subject matter and the delivery format individually as well as accommodate the fact that many general knowledge subjects can belong to more than one class. For example, if a content provider offers an Article on an Event, both classes should be admissible and recognized by the semantic engine that reads the markup. In the case of a Video showing Angkor Wat, a temple complex in Angkor, Cambodia, the subject is both a Place and a ManMadeObject (in this case a Temple) and the delivery format is Video. We propose that the Properties associated with all Classes applied to the Webpage be valid for markup. 3. We propose Definitional Class Extensions rather than continually articulating more specific Classes. a. This is to avoid the need to continually update the Ontology as content providers offer information on an increasing variety of subjects.. b. The Definitional Class Extension is a word or phrase added to the Class that the content provider chooses to introduce as the specific language that further defines the entity in question. For example, the Definitional Class Extension for Angkor Wat could be Complex, so the Class would become Temple Complex (the technical means of adding the extension without affecting the readability of the Ontology class must be decided). The extension could even be augmented to include Bhuddism. Wherever possible the extension language could refer to URIs from a source such as the DBpedia or even the Encyclopaedia Britannica Semantic SPARQL Endpoint to enable further machine disambiguation. c. Definitional Class Extensions are to be considered part of the Class for semantic disambiguation, both visual as in a Rich Snippet and for search. d. The word or phrase introduced as Definitional Class Extension does not depend upon visible text for markup, but is introduced as an addition to the Class. e. The available Properties remain those of the Ontology Class irrespective of the Definitional Class Extension. The Ontology proposed below has not been integrated with the current Schema..org Ontology. It includes some of the Classes in the Schema.org Ontology, but not all, such as the Intangibles and many of the more narrow classes lower in the hierarchy. It is an attempt to keep the classification at as broad a level as possible while covering all the areas of knowledge. It is proposed for consideration rather than as a replacement of the current ontology. Proposed General Knowledge Ontology of Classes (not including the current schema.org Intangibles) Class (see also schema.org classes and properties not included here) General Properties: description, image, name; alternateName; sameAs; url Concept Properties: (hierarchical properties) topConcept; PrimaryBroaderTerm; secondaryBroaderTerm; primaryNarrowerTerm; secondaryNarrowerTerm; relatedTerm; componentTerm; (definitional properties) definition; category; animalOnly; humanOnly; humanAndAnimal; lifeForm; lifeProcess; naturalObject; naturalProcess; manMadeObject; manMadeProcess; (associative properties) associatedWith; discoveredBy; dateOfDiscovery; inventedBy; dateOfInvention; developedBy; studiedBy; geologicTime; historicalEra; introducedTo; locatedAt; locatedIn; other; represents; date; startingTime; endingTime; (transitional properties) inverse; symmetric; follows BusinessConcept EducationConcept FinanceConcept GeographylConcept LiteratureConcept MathematicsConcept MedicalConcept PerformingArtsConcept PhilosophyConcept PoliticalConcept ReligionConcept ScienceConcept AstronomyConcept BiologyConcept ChemistryConcept EarthScienceConecpt EnvironmentConcept PhysicsConcept SocialConcept TechnologyConcept VisualArtsConcept Entity (specific entities that exist, have existed, or have been imagined) PersonalEntity Person (use class extension to indicate author, composer, scientist, etc.) Properties: (associative properties) activity; knownFor; office; subjectOfStudy; subjectMatter; artisticSchool; authorship; popularize; founderOf; victimOf; influenceOn; influenceOf; supportOf; oppositionTo; leadership; award; collaboration; sharedPrizeWith; dateOfBirth; placeOfBirth; currentPlaceOfBirth; countryOfBirth; currentCountryOfBirth; stateOrProvinceOfBirth; placeOfBaptism; currentPlaceOfBaptism; countryOfBaptism; currentCountryOfBaptism; dateOfDeath; placeOfDeath; currentPlaceOfDeath; placeWhereFoundDead; currentPlaceWhereFoundDead; countryOfDeath; currentCountryOfDeath; stateOrProvinceOfDeath; causeOfDeath; killedInAction; placeOfBurial; currentPlaceOfBurial; countryOfBurial; currentCountryOfBurial; religiousAffiliation; politicalAffiliation; culturalAssociation; nationality; citizenship; naturalizedCitizenship; ethnicity; viewpoint; characterizationIn; family (modifying properties) uncertain; indirectAssociation; activeRole; passiveRole; near DynastyFamily Properties: (associative properties) definition; significance; activity; knownFor; culturalAssociation; ethnicAssociation; nationalAssociation; locationalAssociation; politicalAssociation; religiousAssociation; artisticAssociation; placeOfActiticy; periodOfActivity; startDate; endDate; causeOfDownfall; leadership; victimOf; subjectMatter; indirectAssociation; characterizationIn; characterizedBy; viewpoint; founderOf; oppositionTo; supportOf; influenceOf; influenceOn; sharedPrizeWith; collaboration; family; artisticSchool; award; office; subjectOfStudy; (modifying properties) uncertain; indirectAssociation; activeRole; passiveRole; near FictionalBeing Properties: definition; significance; activity; characterizationIn; maleGender; femaleGender; child; culturalAssociation; indirectAssociation; familyDynastyKinship; locationalAssociation; periodOfAssociation (date span) (modifying properties) uncertain; indirectAssociation; activeRole; passiveRole LegendaryBeing Properties: definition; significance; activity; knownFor; characterizationIn; maleGender; femaleGender; child; associatedLegend; culturalAssociation; indirectAssociation; familyDynastyKinship; locationalAssociation; periodOfAssociation (date span) (modifying properties) uncertain; indirectAssociation; activeRole; passiveRole MythologicalBeing Properties: definition; significance; activity; knownFor; characterizationIn; maleGender; femaleGender; child; associatedMythology; culturalAssociation; indirectAssociation; familyDynastyKinship; locationalAssociation; periodOfAssociation (date span) (modifying properties) uncertain; indirectAssociation; activeRole; passiveRole Deity Properties: definition; significance; activity; knownFor; characterizationIn; maleGender; femaleGender; child; associatedReligion; culturalAssociation; indirectAssociation; familyDynastyKinship; locationalAssociation; periodOfAssociation (date span) Personification Properties: definition; significance; activity; knownFor; characterizationIn; maleGender; femaleGender; child; personsonificationOfConcept; culturalAssociation; indirectAssociation; familyDynastyKinship; locationalAssociation; periodOfAssociation (date span) (modifying properties) uncertain; indirectAssociation; activeRole; passiveRole Place PhysicalPlace Properties: (associative properties) definition; significance; knownFor; partOf; characterizationIn; indirectAssociation; location; siteOf; politicallyPartOf; historicallyPartOf; intersectWithPhysicalPlace; intersectWithPoliticalPlace; containedIn; polOrGeogrComponent; historicalComponent; dependencyOf; includedInPhFeature; intersectWithPhFeature; adjacency; near Landform BodyOfWater NaturalRegion see also Construction (Subclass of ManMadeObject) PoliticalPlace Properties: definition; significance; knownFor; partOf; characterizationIn; victionOf; indirectAssociation; location; siteOf; politicallyPartOf; historicallyPartOf; intersectWithPolPlace; containedBy; polOrGeogrComponent; historicalComponent; dependencyOf; includedInPhFeature; intersectWithPhFeature; adjacency; near; typeOfAdministration AdministrativeArea (use for any administrative area not defined by subclasses) NationState StateOrProvince City TownOrVillage PoliticalRegion SociographicalPlace Properties: definition; significance; knownFor; partOf; characterizationIn; victionOf; indirectAssociation; location; siteOf; politicallyPartOf; historicallyPartOf; intersectWithPolPlace; containedBy; polOrGeogrComponent; historicalComponent; dependencyOf; includedInPhFeature; intersectWithPhFeature; adjacency; near HistoricalPlace Properties: definition; significance; knownFor; partOf; characterizationIn; victionOf; indirectAssociation; location; siteOf; politicallyPartOf; historicallyPartOf; intersectWithPolPlace; containedBy; polOrGeogrComponent; historicalComponent; dependencyOf; includedInPhFeature; intersectWithPhFeature; adjacency; near CelestialBody Properties: definition; significance; knownFor; partOf; intersectWithPhysicalFeature; near; indirectAssociation see also PhysicalFeature (Subclass of EntityNaturalObject) see also Map (Subclass of GraphicWork) ThingOrObject ManMadeObjectEntity Properties: definition; significance; knownFor; indirectAssociation; location; containedIn; partOf; intersectWithPolPlace; intersectWithPhFeature Construction (buildings, monuments, parks, etc.) Additional Properties: architecturalStyle; createdBy; constructedBy CommercialConstruction GovernmentConstruction MilitaryConstruction MunicipalConstruction PlaceOfWorship Church Mosque Synagogue Temple RecreationalConstruction ResidentialBuilding see also CreativeWork NaturalObjectEntity Properties: definition; significance; knownFor; location; intersectWithPhysicalFeature; indirectAssociation; partOf; near AnimalEntity Additional Properties: activity; award; ownedBy PlantEntity Additional Properties: activity; award; ownedBy PhysicalFeature see also CelestialBody (Subclass of Place) Organization Properties: definition; significance; knownFor; partOf; causeOf; associationWithArtisticSchool; politicalAffiliation; religiousAffiliation; indirectAssociation; award; locationOfHeadquarters; culturalAssociation; influenceOn; influenceOf; supportOf; viewpoint; foundedBy; startDate; endDate; startYear; endYear; BusinessOrganization BroadcastingOrganization RadioOrganization TelevisionOrganization FinancialOrganization ITOrganization ManufacturingOrganization Additional Properties: product NewsOrganization ServiceOrganization CulturalOrSocialOrganization EducationalOrganization GovernmentOrganization ReligiousOrganization ScientificOrganization SportsOrRecreationalOrganization see also ArtisticSchool (Subclass of CreativeWork) see also DynastyOrFamily (Subclass of People) Event Properties: definition; significance; knownFor; partOf; causeOf; causedBy; participant; impersonalParticipant; location; siteOf; politicallyPartOf; influenceOn; influenceOf; startDate; endDate HistoricalEvent RecentOrCurrentEvent EntertainmentEvent Additional Properties: venue see also TheatricalProduction for theatrical performances (Subclass of WorkOfArt) CreativeWork Properties: definition; significance; subjectMatter; createdBy (used for artists, writers, composers, etc.; sponsoredBy; producedBy; associatedOrganization; partOf; causeOf; supportOf; oppositionTo; influenceOn; influencedBy ArtisticSchool Additional Properties: associatedArtist MultiMedia Additional Properties: see schema.org technical aspect properties AudioEntity VideoEntity see also MotionPicture; RadioProgram; TelevisionProgram (Subclasses of WorkOfArt) Document Additional Properties: placeOfPublication; publicationDate EducationalWork Additional Properties: see LRMI properties NewsArticle Additional Properties: newsOrganization PhilosophicalWork Additional Properties: philosophicalSchool PoliticalWork Additional Properties: politicalAssociation ReligiousWork Additional Properties: religiousAssociation ScienceOrTechnologyWork Additional Properties: scientificOrTechnologicalAssociation see also LiteraryWork (Subclass of WorkOfArt) Game WorkOfTechnology SoftwareApplication WebApplication WorkOfArt Additional Properties: associationWithArtisticSchool ArchitecturalWork Dance (specific choreography or dance notation) see also TheatricalProduction for specific performances GraphicWork Animation Diagram Graph Illustration Map Painting Photograph Print (lithograph, etching, block print, silkscreen, etc.) Sculpture LiteraryWork DramaticLiteraryWork (includes plays, screenplays, both drama and comedy) Fiction ScienceFiction NonFiction History Biography see also ScienceOrTechnologyWork (Subclass of Document) Poetry MotionPicture Additional Properties: directedBy; associatedPerformer RadioProgram Additional Properties: directedBy; associatedPerformer TelevisionProgram Additional Properties: directedBy; associatedPerformer Music Additional Properties: associatedPerformer ClassicalMusic Opera PopularMusic CountryMusic Jazz Rock see also EntertainmentEvent (Subclass of Event) see also Person for composers (Subclass of PersonalEntity) TheatricalProduction Additional Properties: directedBy; associatedPerformer see also Dance for choreography, notation, etc. (Subclass of WorkOfArt) see also DramaticLiteraryWork (Subclass of LiteraryWork) see also Opera for specific operas (Subclass of Music) see also EntertainmentEvent for non-theatrical performances (Subclass of Event) Thank you very much. Carmen-Maria Hetrea, Director, Knowledge Architecture, Encyclopaedia Britannica Paul Cranmer, Information architect chetrea@eb.com<mailto:chetrea@eb.com>; pcranmer@eb.com<mailto:pcranmer@eb.com>
Received on Friday, 15 November 2013 11:52:22 UTC