Re: Merging git history for jws-2020

On 7/19/22 10:38 AM, Orie Steele wrote:
> Having done this before, I prefer NOT to transfer the repo... (we didn't 
> transfer the repo for the did method registry).

Yes, and in hindsight it was the wrong move because:

1. It bifurcated the issues -- we now have two repos w/
   issues, the CCG one and the WG one.

2. It bifurcated the PRs -- again, two repos w/ PR

So, when searching for issues, you have to search both repos, which people
don't do, and they they re-raise old issues as new issues, which then cause
the Editors to have to do a lot of work searching histories.

As one of the Editors who had to bear the brunt of that migration and ongoing
research, I'd like us to take a different path this time and not create more
work than necessary for the Editors to:

1. Duplicate all open issues.

2. Search the history of issues and PRs across two
   different repositories.

While the WG might not feel a lot of this pain, the Editors that do their due
diligence and search repo histories for issues, PRs, and commits do.

The easiest thing here is to just move the entire repo over from CCG -> VCWG.

> I prefer to keep the repos separate, redirect and archive from the ccg 
> side.

My preference is to migrate the repos, which do the redirection automatically.
If spec redirection is needed, that can be accomplished via a simple
HTML-based redirect (and is easy to set up).

> Seems the first step is to FCGS on the ccg side.

+1 to that being the first step.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
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Received on Tuesday, 19 July 2022 14:58:53 UTC