[CANCELED] No VC-Edu call on Mon Jul 22

Dear All,

Please note that we are cancelling the VC Edu call today, i.e. on Monday the 22nd of July. Apologies for the short notice.


The Chairs

Ildiko Mazar

Sector Consulting Manager

European Digital Credentials for Learning Implementation Support

Rue de Spa 8, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Learn more at nttdata.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.nttdata.com/global/en/__;!!DOxrgLBm!SSn61vBA3b9R8E1QbsOrqGN-KqUb93Wb7c6tOhqNMCZoHVO9lPxtTID8cooVCFOQ2dq8xXCU$>


Received on Monday, 22 July 2024 13:32:35 UTC