[CANCELED] No VC Edu call on Monday 8 July 2024

Dear All,

Please note that we are cancelling the VC Edu call on Monday the 8th of July.

Have a nice weekend,


Ildiko Mazar

Sector Consulting Manager

European Digital Credentials for Learning Implementation Support

Rue de Spa 8, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Learn more at nttdata.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.nttdata.com/global/en/__;!!DOxrgLBm!SSn61vBA3b9R8E1QbsOrqGN-KqUb93Wb7c6tOhqNMCZoHVO9lPxtTID8cooVCFOQ2dq8xXCU$>


Received on Friday, 5 July 2024 15:18:24 UTC