Hi there,
Calling on issuers in the JFF PlugFest 2 cohort and practitioners generally
that implement the OIDC4VCI spec as a means of delivering credentials with
the following questions:
- How are holders redirected to their wallet from a QR code? In the
spec, I see that clients can define a new *Issuance Initiation Endpoint
(initiate_issuance_endpoint)* in its metadata, but it is unclear how and
where this is supposed to be defined for a native wallet. Is this supposed
to be communicated via the *wallet_issuer* parameter of an authorization
request as defined in section *7.1.3* of the spec? If so, how is this
endpoint exposed in a pre-authorized code flow?
- Am I correct in my interpretation of the *issuer* parameter of
the *Issuance
Initiation* request as the OP issuer URL, at which clients can discover
the server metadata (located specifically at
*/.well-known/openid-configuration*, per the original OIDC Core spec),
including the new *Credential Endpoint (credential_endpoint)*?