W3C VC-EDU Co-Chair Self-Nomination: Colin Reynolds

Greetings VC-EDU Community,

I would like to add my name to the list for consideration as a Co-Chair of
the working group.

As a lifelong educator with 15+ years as a teacher, admin, tech leader and
instructional coach across the PreK to Higher Ed spectrum, I have seen
first hand the need for an interoperable record of learning consisting of
skill mastery, authentic assessment, and verifiable documentation that can
empower individuals to own their data and connect them to opportunity.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to attend the weekly VC-EDU meetings on
a regular basis because I am still teaching a course at that time. I keep
up with the meeting minutes, recordings, and work of the group and
appreciate the community focused approach to collective efforts. My current
teaching obligations end at the end of this semester which means I will be
able to attend regular meetings and would love the chance to work closely
with the other co-chair to continue momentum around use cases,
implementation, and real-world applications. Although I do not possess a
deep technical skill set, I believe my collaborative experience developing
curriculum and building systems of learning, coupled with a practical
approach to transferring theory into practice, presents a unique value
proposition for the role of co-chair.

Since joining the Learning Economy Foundation, I have taken a deep dive
into the world of open data and standards by supporting the growth of a
digital global ecosystem that endeavors to enable economic mobility for
all. As the Secretary of the IEEE Interoperable Learner Records working
group and lead facilitator of the Open Skills Network Skills Collaboratives
<https://www.openskillsnetwork.org/skills-collaboratives>, I see the value
in global collaborative initiatives and have learned processes and systems
that move our collective goals forward. Additionally, I have thoroughly
enjoyed working with the World Bank to support the Blockchain for Education
Workshop Series and Community of Practice to bring education, awareness and
social infrastructure to our shared digital future.

Here is a link to my LinkedIn profile
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/misterreynolds/>. And I look forward to
answering any questions you might have at the working group meeting on

Looking forward,


*Colin Reynolds *
*VP of Learning*
Learning Economy <https://www.learningeconomy.io/>

Received on Sunday, 21 November 2021 21:05:38 UTC