Self-nomination for VC-EDU Co-Chair

Hi all,

I'd like to throw my hat in, and self-nominate for the position of Co-Chair
of the VC Edu task force.

I bring a combination of hands-on experience with the technical side of
Verifiable Credentials, secure storage, and decentralized identity, as well
as an active involvement in related standards outside of this group (in
other working groups in W3C, but also IETF, IEEE, DIF, and OpenID
Foundation). I've worked directly on projects with many of you, and have
shared many a standards call with the rest.
I'm also currently heading up the development of an open source credentials
wallet for education use cases, for MIT and the Digital Credential

I've been consistently impressed with the quality of the leadership of the
VC Edu task force. And, I'd like to lend a hand!

Dmitri Zagidulin

Received on Sunday, 21 November 2021 20:35:21 UTC