[transition] CR Snapshot Update Request for Payment Request API

CR Snapshot Update Request for Payment Request API
from https://github.com/w3c/transitions/issues/346

We are returning to CR snapshot after removing features that were not marked at-risk. 

# Document URLs

# Link to group's decision to request transition

Note: In response to the same Call for Consensus, we recorded a decision to advance to PR
if there are no substantive changes during CR.

# Link to previous Candidate Recommendation transition or update request

# Substantive changes
* Improvements based on privacy reviews
   * Removed API support for shipping address, billing address, and contact information.
   * Clarified specification role in facilitating communication between top-level contexts.

* Improvements based on Internationalization review:
  * Recommended that payment UI matches document language
  * Clarified use of currency codes and currency symbols

# Any changes in requirements?

# Wide Review of substantive changes

* We resolved a previous issue raised by Sam Weiler by removing features from the specification:

* We addressed a number of issues raised during I18N review to the satisfaction of the reviewer:

* We addressed a one I18N issue by removing features related to contact and shipping info:

* And after discussion with I18N folks, there was agreement to postpone some additional changes
   to after recommendation. Although we resolved this by phone and in a meeting, we still hope that
   @aphillips will sign off on GitHub:

For the full list of specification changes, see:

# Issues status
There are no remaining open issues related to Payment Request API version 1.

# Formal Objections

We provided substantive replies to 2 formal objections raised in our previous CfC to advance to Proposed Recommendation. We did not satisfy the objectors. 

* FO from Anders Rundgren:

  Adrian Hope-Bailie reply:

* FO from Tom Jones:

   Multiple replies:

# Any changes in implementation information?
* We have updated the test suite based on the removed features
* We have registered bugs in three code bases regarding the removed features
* We plan to have an updated implementation report when we request to advance to PR

# Deadline for further comments

# Any changes in patent disclosures?

We organized a PAG to address a 2021-02-04 disclosure. The PAG recommended that the Web Payments Working Group continue to work on Payment Request API. See the report:

See [Requirements for updating a Candidate Recommendation Snapshot](https://www.w3.org/Guide/transitions?profile=CR&cr=snapshot) for further information.

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Received on Monday, 21 June 2021 22:40:43 UTC