Re: DNT:1 and "data append"

Presumably there would be some carve-outs here? E.g. if you come to my site
with DNT1 and buy something with me, I'm going to share identifiable
information with FedEx so that they can deliver your product...

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 3:44 PM, John Simpson <>wrote:

> Colleagues,
> I wanted to propose some privacy friendly text that would cover the "data
> append" situation when DNT:1 is sent.  I think others are working on
> possible language,  but I wanted to make my proposed language available for
> consideration and discussion.
> Normative
> When DNT:1 is received:
> -- A 1st Party MUST NOT share share identifiable data with another party.
> -- A 1st Party MUST NOT combine identifiable data from another party with
> data it has collected while a 1st Party.
> Cheers,
> John
> ---------
> John M. Simpson
> Privacy Project Director
> Consumer Watchdog
> 2701 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 112
> Santa Monica, CA, 90405
> Tel: 310-392-7041
> Cell: 310-292-1902

Received on Monday, 18 March 2013 22:53:21 UTC