RE: De-identifed data

Shouldn't you be cooking barbecue? :-)
From: John Simpson<>
Sent: ý7/ý4/ý2013 3:24 PM
To: Jack Hobaugh<>; Marc Groman<>; Mike Zaneis<>; Shane Wiley<>
Cc: List<>
Subject: De-identifed data


I am trying to understand the implications of you proposed definition of de-identified data.  Could you please:

1. Explain how you definition differs from the June draft and the significance of the differences.  In other words in what ways would a data set considered as de-identified by your definition not count as de-identified by the definition in the June draft.

2. Provide several in non-normative language some specific uses cases of what techniques would count as de-identified data under your definition and what would not?


Received on Thursday, 4 July 2013 22:34:51 UTC