Note on presentation today by Khaled El Emam on homomorphic encryption

To the group:

Perhaps because of large attachment size, my posting from earlier today of the slides for about 12:45 p.m eastern today did not go through to the list.

W3C staff is helping now, and we will have URLs shortly for those slides, and for the use case described below.

Apologies for the technical glitch.


Professor Peter P. Swire
C. William O'Neill Professor of Law
    Ohio State University

From: Peter Swire <<>>
Date: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 11:18 AM
To: "<> WG" <<>>
Subject: Slides on homomorphic encryption for Feb.6; use case on measuring ad effectiveness

Attached are slides for today by Khaled El Emam on the topic of homomorphic encryption.  As mentioned in the agenda, this technical approach has potentially important advantages compared with hashing when sharing information.  Some possibilities of homomorphic encryption for online advertising have been suggested previously by privacy advocates.  In addition, a number of advertising and other industry people who participated in the discussion at CDT in January expressed interest in learning more about the approach.  Dr. El Emam has used this class of techniques in the health care space, and will provide a briefing.

Dr. El Emam asked for a use case relevant to online advertising.  In addition to the slides, attached is a use case developed by the Future of Privacy Forum.  The use case describes a simplified approach to measuring advertising effectiveness online.  Notably, hashing is used with the same salt for: (1) a party or parties who can measure who saw an advertisement; and (2) a company that bought the ad that can measure subsequent purchases.  The goal of the exercise is for the purchaser of the ad to be able to get a statistical report to compare buying outcomes for those who saw the ad with a control group that did not see the ad.  This use case as written has not been extensively scrubbed by outside experts; profuse apologies for any mistakes, but it is included as an aid to the discussion.

For purposes of today's discussion, the focus is on ways that homomorphic encryption could reduce certain risks (prevent certain attacks) that exist with the use of hashes.

For those of you who find this dauntingly technical, we placed this as the last item on today's call so you can decide to drop if you do not find it useful.


Professor Peter P. Swire
C. William O'Neill Professor of Law
    Ohio State University

From: Peter Swire <<>>
Date: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 11:02 AM
To: "<> WG" <<>>
Subject: Agenda for Wednesday call February 6
Resent-From: <<>>
Resent-Date: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 11:03 AM

Wednesday call February 6, 2013


Chair:  Peter Swire

1.  Confirmation of scribe – glad to accept volunteer in advance

2.  Offline-caller-identification:
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Preview of Boston Face-to-Face

3.   Registration officially closed for face-to-face in Boston on February 11 to 13.  Ifinquiries about registration, contact Nick at<>.   Agenda for Boston will be updated as the time nears, at  Reception now planned for Monday evening.

4.  Invitation to send to Swire topics you wish to raise on uses, de-identification, or other related topics for compliance spec discussion.  A specific invitation to consider “safe harbor” approaches to what would count as unlinkability/de-identification.

Media Rating Council

5.  Presentation by George Ivie, Executive Director and CEO of the Media Rating Council, followed by Q&A.   MRC web site:

The MRC’s activities include audits of how audience measurements are conducted, and this discussion is relevant to permitted uses that we will discuss in Boston.  Materials should be distributed by Wednesday morning eastern time.

Discussion of homomorphic encryption
6.  Presentation by Khaled el Emam of homomorphic encryption applied to an advertising use case, followed by Q&A.

At the discussion on de-identification last month, several industry people expressed interest in a briefing on homomorphic encryption.  That approach provides certain advantages compared with hashing approaches.  Materials should be distributed by Wednesday morning eastern time.

7.  Announce next meeting & adjourn

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Professor Peter P. Swire
C. William O'Neill Professor of Law
    Ohio State University

Received on Wednesday, 6 February 2013 16:57:59 UTC