Re: Batch closing of TPE issues (Deadline: December 03)

Hi Matthias,

I'd like to keep 161 and 197 open please. I believe the issue of how 
servers communicate how they honor DNT has not been resolved.

Thanks much,


On 2013-11-14 4:10 AM, Matthias Schunter (Intel Corporation) wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> while we are working on the new issues, I suggest we close the set of 
> TPE-related issues that have been PENDING REVIEW for many months. 
> These document the outcome of our former discussions on TPE where we 
> reached a conclusion that resulted in text. For each of those issues, 
> the text resolving the issue is already included into the TPE spec 
> (and has been there for a long time).
> Please: Validate that you can live with the resolution of the enclosed 
> issues (Deadline: December 03).
> In case you want to object to closing an issue, please provide the 
> required documentation (see "the plan"), i.e., roughly you should say 
> why the issue cannot be closed, what concern you have that is not 
> addressed, and what alternative text you proposed to mitigate your 
> concern.
> Thanks a lot!
> matthias
> --------------8<------------------
> ISSUE-137: Does hybrid tracking status need to distinguish between 
> first party (1) and outsourcing service provider acting as a first 
> party (s)
> ISSUE-153: What are the implications on software that changes requests 
> but does not necessarily initiate them?
> ISSUE-161: Do we need a tracking status value for partial compliance?
> ISSUE-164: To what extent should the "same-party" attribute of 
> tracking status resource be required
> ISSUE-168: What is the correct way for sub-services to signal that 
> they are taking advantage of a transferred exception?
> ISSUE-195: Flows and signals for handling "potential" out of band consent
> ISSUE-197: How do we notify the user why a Disregard signal is received?

Received on Tuesday, 3 December 2013 16:12:46 UTC