Re: meaning of DNT 1 and DNT 0 when sent by user agents [ISSUE-78]

In reading a separate thread, I realized that there is a potential issue here over DNT:0.

A little while back we discussed whether the UA should send a DNT header to the first party.  A number of us argued that it should, even if the first party is exempt: because the first party may care that its third parties are being asked not to track - it might ask for payment in consequence, for example.

This argument relies on the assumption that DNT is a single 'big switch', either on or off, but the discussion around DNT:0 reveals that people think it may be OK for the UA to send DNT:1 to some sites, and DNT:0 to others.

So what, then, does the first party get?  DNT:1 if any third party is getting DNT:1, else DNT:0 if all are getting DNT:0?  An average of the DNT values :-) DNT:0.7 ??!

Am I, as a UA, allowed to mix non-DNT requests into the mix?

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Friday, 13 January 2012 22:41:46 UTC