Draft Agenda: Pointer Events + Touch Events committees; 3 November 2015 call

Hi All,

Below is a draft agenda for a PEWG and TECG call on Tuesday November 3 @ 
11:00 Boston time. Additional agenda topic proposals are welcome, as is 
advanced input on the agenda topics (especially if you have input and 
cannot attend the call).

Logistics below.

-Thanks, Art and Rick

= Draft Agenda

1. Agree on agenda

2. Pointer Events WG

2.1 v2 spec status (<https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/>; 

2.2. State of deployment: are any sites using PointerEvents (which 
ones)? How much traction are PEs getting?

2.3. Interoperability issues?

2.4. v2 Implementation status for desktop and mobile: Chrome, FF, 
IE/Edge, others

2.5 Charter: current charter expires November 9 
<http://www.w3.org/2012/pointerevents/charter/>. What, if anything, 
should be done? Options include re-charter, request extension, close the 
WG, create a new CG, merge with TECG, ...)?

3. Touch Events CG - Rick - here is my "strawman proposal". Please feel 
free to use any part of it.

3.1 v2 spec status (<http://w3c.github.io/touch-events/>; 

3.2 State of deployment

3.3 Interoperability issues? Is Touch + Mouse (+ PointerEvents) causing 
any *real* issues?

3.4 v2 Implementations status for desktop and mobile: Chrome, FF, 
IE/Edge, Safari, others. Which v2 features are already implemented 
(f.ex. the ontouch* global event handlers)?

3.5 Plans for the next six months.

4. AoB

= Logistics

* Time: 16:00 UTC -> 11:00 Boston; 08:00 Seattle; 17:00 Paris; 18:00 
* WebEx 
* Meeting number: 641 509 404
* Password: pointer
* Audio only: +1-617-324-0000; Access code: 641 509 404
* IRC #pointerevents

Received on Monday, 2 November 2015 12:29:19 UTC