Evidence of 'Wide Review' needed for VTT


we made a last-call version of the VTT spec. back in November, with a view to moving to Candidate Rec, in the Timed Text WG.  To move to CR, I need to show that ‘wide review’ has happened. Though we’ve sent out notes to a number of other standards bodies, I don’t think we have had much (euphemism) actual feedback.  Even if the spec. it totally perfect it would help if someone (preferably external to the W3C) said so.

If you know people who are implementing VTT or care about it, and could comment, that would be great.

(Just a reminder, we’re moving down the Rec. Track while not branching, because a number of places won’t refer to or otherwise use VTT unless it has a stable spec. with some status.)

Happy new year!

David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 13 January 2015 01:23:05 UTC