Re: Discussion on current status and next step of contacts API, Data Store API and TCP and UDP Socket API

Hi. Marcos.
Thanks for reply!

I added inline comments.

2014-06-27 0:23 GMT+09:00 Marcos Caceres <>:

> On June 26, 2014 at 11:00:44 AM, Wonsuk Lee ( wrote:
> > Hi. Editors!
> > I would like to know exactly about current status and next step of
> contacts
> > API, Data Store API and TCP and UDP Socket API specs. What are
> outstanding
> > issues or blockers for them?
> We want to drop DataStore - we don't want to standardize it. We ended up
> using named IDB stores in FxOS instead.

Can I ask reason why to make that kind of decision? Gene also agreed with
this decision. right? just want to know :-)

> We need to settle on the underlying Stream before TCP/UDP can happen.

Do you know status of Stream API spec? When do you expect that Stream API
will be be settled down?

Kr, Wonsuk.


이 원 석 (Wonsuk, Lee) / Principal Engineer, Ph.D
Mobile: +82-10-5800-3997
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Inspire the World, Create the Future !!!

Received on Thursday, 26 June 2014 17:37:21 UTC