Re: 2nd Human-Semantic Web Interaction Workshop (HSWI)

Martin and Roberto and all

it goes without saying that I ll be happy to support/collaborate future
especially considering Roberto's good work in pulling the first one off,
and thanks a lot
everyone who contributed, collaborate and supported the effort

Even better it would be to find members of this group who can contribute
and co-lead related initiatives
which hopefully will complement each other

(I am very short on bandwidth here, often offline or on and off line,
haven't given the future any brainwaves yet)

Thanks also for he introductions! Good to hear from people-

a last thought,

 I wonder if members of this group would be intersted/avaialble  in
in user studies for SW interfaces, in which case we could avertise our
'services' as  a 'virtual lab'  that application developers
can come to evaluate the usability of their systems. would that be a good

Let's keep in mind we need a set of good practices hopefully by the end of
this year, anybody has given
that any thought?

are we in a position to derive guidelines or is it too early?

Look forward


On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 10:27 PM, Roberto García González <> wrote:

> Hi Martin,
> Thanks for your interest in the HSWI Workshop. It would be really nice to
> be able to continue this workshop and I'm interested in continuing
> collaborating in the organisation of next year event. Some options are:
> - IUI'14 (Haifa, Israel): Feb. 24-27 2014,                CfP Sep. 16
> 2013.
> - ESWC'14 (Crete, Greece): May 25-29 2014,        CfP to be announced.
> - WIMS'14 (Thessaloniki, Greece): June 2-4 2014, CfP Dec.13 2013.
> - ISWC'14 (Trentino, Italia): Oct. 19-23 Oct. 2014,  CfP to be announced.
> - ...
> Roberto García
> Associate Professor
> Universitat de Lleida
> Jaume II, 69
> 25001 Lleida, Spain
> Tel. +34 973 702 742
> On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 9:11 AM, Martin Voigt <>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> after the last workshop succeed and Roberto and Paolo proposed a summary
>> in the wiki [1] and at a newswire, I think the group should continue the
>> workshop series. As a co-chair of the SWISIG I'd like to assist to get it
>> going on but since I'm not sure where I'm working at in six month (contract
>> and, hopefully, my PhD is finished) I need other co-organizers who may be
>> able to attend. Is anybody, especially from the last organizers, interested
>> in continuing and assisting the HSWI workshop?
>> The next question is, where should we submit a proposal. Again at WIMS or
>> maybe at ESWC [2]? IUI [3] would be an interesting community as well, but
>> proposal due is 16th of September!
>> Best,
>> Martin
>> 1:**2013<>
>> 2: http://2014.eswc-conferences.**org/<>
>> 3:**Authors/Workshops<>
>> --
>> ------------------------------**-----
>> Dipl.-Medieninf. Martin Voigt
>> Research Associate, PhD student
>> Technische Universität Dresden
>> Faculty of Computer Science
>> Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology
>> 01062 Dresden
>> room:     INF2067
>> phone:    +49 (351) 463-38037
>> fax :     +49 (351) 463-38518
>> web:**voigt<>
>> email:
>> skype:    m.voigt.1982
>> linkedin:**martin-voigt/9/3a0/64b<>
>> twitter:!/m_a_r_**t_i_n<!/m_a_r_t_i_n>

Received on Thursday, 5 September 2013 04:31:56 UTC