Clarification and Call for Respectful Communication

Dear Bumblefudge

I'd like to address a recent comment you made:

So let me get this straight, Nostr *is* the Fediverse because it's been
bridged, and Mitra (which loyally implements the AP spec) *isn't* because
you don't like the authentication choices it made?

Firstly, I have not made any comments or expressed opinions regarding
Mitra. It's essential to avoid making assumptions or attributing statements
to individuals without evidence. Misrepresenting someone's views is
unconstructive and goes against the collaborative spirit of this community.

Secondly, I'd like to remind all participants of the W3C Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct. Adherence to this code ensures that discussions
remain productive, respectful, and free from personal attacks. This isn't
the first time there's been a deviation from these guidelines, and I kindly
urge everyone to communicate with respect and professionalism.

Let's keep the focus on constructive discussions and avoid personal or
unfounded remarks.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,


Received on Thursday, 21 September 2023 03:53:09 UTC