W3c and tests

Could somebody enlighten me, I simply don’t know … (and I suspect many other people here don’t know either)

How does the W3C usually deal with developer-focused, well-maintained automated test suites for its protocols? Specifically:

* who decides what tests are in and which are out? Or really decide on anything related to the test code.
* who gets to commit changes to test suites?
* where do the resources come from to maintain such test suites?

What’s an example for a W3C standard where a complex test suite is maintained very well and entirely under control of the W3C? What I mean by that is that committers — and individual commits -- to such a test suite could be removed if the powers-that-are (say W3C board off directors and hierarchy below) were to decide they wanted to do that.

What happens if conflicts occur? (This being humanity, I suspect there are.) Are there examples anybody can share?



Johannes Ernst

Fediforum <https://fediforum.org/>
Dazzle <https://dazzle.town/>

Received on Thursday, 21 September 2023 02:58:30 UTC