Re: Meta Unspools Threads

On Thu, 06 Jul 2023 23:25:26 +0000
Jacky Alcine <> wrote:

> I know people won't see it as such but we definitely lost the younger generation with this.  Those down might already be techies but this was more successful of convincing my youngest brother (22) to join a potentially federated space than four of the popular fediverse projects.

Indeed candy is more popular with the young then whole grain. But the whole grain business has to go on anyway or there may be no candy as well.

I'm so sick of billionaires and their hype and hate machines. We don't have to bother with these things we have no influence on.

> We need more designers and UX experts; less developers and yak shaving.

We have to offer the participants personal agency. This is the one thing the business model of the corpo web can't and a real benefit.

Bullying devs for not being designers IMO leads nowhere. How do you suggest to attract more UXies? And what yaks do you think of being shaved today?


Received on Friday, 7 July 2023 06:57:23 UTC