Re: Special Topic Call - Social Web and CSAM: Liabilities and Tooling

Hi Rabble,
Yes, we'll do our best to record the call and publish it on the list & repo!

On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 4:44 AM evan <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a chance that a recording could be made? The call is scheduled
> for 1am on Saturday morning in New Zealand.
> thanks,
> rabble
> --
> - @rabble <>
> schedule calls:
> On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 8:39 AM Bob Wyman <> wrote:
>> The report, Child Safety on Federated Social Media
>> <>, mentions the CyberTipline API
>> <> of the US-based National
>> Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)
>> <> and suggests that it would be useful to
>> provide mechanisms to make it easier to file reports using that API. (See
>> page 11) US law apparently requires such reports by providers of electronic
>> communication services or remote computing services. (See: 18 USC 2258A
>> <>). Also, US law
>> requires that the NCMEC forward reports to appropriate Federal, State, or
>> foreign authorities. The NCMEC says that during 2021, they sent 75,000+
>> take-down notices to companies and that the average time to remove
>> offending media was 27 hours. (See: Link
>> <>)
>> I can't find any statement concerning the number of reports NCMEC made to
>> law enforcement agencies.
>> Some questions that might be addressed during the call, or in email prior
>> to it:
>>    - Are operators of ActivityPub instances considered to be "providers
>>    of electronic communication services or remote computing services" who, if
>>    in the USA, have a legal obligation to make reports to the NCMEC?
>>    - Do laws in other nations require CSAM reporting and/or establish
>>    organizations like the NCMEC to receive such reports?
>>    - Are there any other US or non-US laws that might require
>>    ActivityPub instance operators to make reports of other kinds of illegal
>>    speech?
>>    - Have any operators of ActivityPub services received NCMEC take-down
>>    notices? Is this a common, or an unusual event?
>>    - Have any users of ActivityPub services been prosecuted for
>>    distributing CSAM via ActivityPub? If so, were any of them as a result of
>>    reports to NCMEC?
>>    - Does anyone know if NCMEC reports are required for
>>    computer-generated media that does not depict actual children? (i.e.
>>    CG-CSAM)
>>    - If the operators of an instance did, in fact, make a practice of
>>    filing NCMEC or similar reports, would it be useful to announce this on
>>    their site? If so, would it be useful to define some standard means by
>>    which instance operators could announce that they do so? (e.g. Some site
>>    metadata, standard badge, etc?)
>>    - The 25 Mastodon instances studied in the report included Japanese
>>    instances which are known to carry lots of CSAM. How much of a problem is
>>    CSAM on non-Japanese instances?
>> bob wyman
>> On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 12:48 PM Dmitri Zagidulin <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> In light of the recent report Addressing Child Exploitation on
>>> Federated Social Media
>>> <> and
>>> the many important resulting conversations (such as this megathread
>>> <>),
>>> SWITCH would like to host a Special Topic Call on "Social Web and CSAM:
>>> Liabilities and Tooling", this coming Friday, August 4th, 2023, at 9am
>>> Eastern / 6am Pacific / 3pm CET, at:
>>> We're very excited to be joined by special guests, David Thiel and Alex
>>> Stamos, from the Stanford Internet Observatory!
>>> The Chairs

Received on Friday, 4 August 2023 01:08:09 UTC