Re: Bluesky CEO in The Verge on how they are better than what ActivityPub can do

On 4/21/23 00:49, Johannes Ernst wrote:
> "We’ve designed a protocol that has three big things we think are 
> missing from the Mastodon ecosystem: account portability, global 
> discoverability, [and] composable, customizable curation and moderation.”
> (Note the article is about ActivityPub, not Mastodon, in spite of this 
> quote)
> Discuss. :-)

Account portability exists in Mastodon (from one M to another), maybe it 
needs to be clarified and extended across software.

Global discoverability is not necessarily a desirable feature. People 
should be able to 'discover' each other through their own social 
network. Machines (and corporations, police, surveillance systems, 
marketing tools) should not be able to 'discover' human accounts.

Composable, customizable curation and moderation is algorithmic 
moderation. I'd rather not leave moderation to a machine.

Again, why is Bluesky CEO not willing to work with the community? Not 
Invented Here (NIH) syndrome or a hidden agenda? Neither: they want to 
do their own algorithmic, AI-served thing and the community is in the 
way. But we want to create tools to support social relationships, not 
destroy them for profit.


Received on Saturday, 29 April 2023 13:29:10 UTC