Re: RDFa Primer Ready for Review


I've only done a quick scan, but it looks very good. Great work!

I did notice a couple of missing references -- there are no targets for:

    <bibref ref="HTML-WG"/> # line 101
    <bibref ref="RDF"/> # line 933
    <bibref ref="N3"/> # line 948

Best regards,

On 9/21/07, Ben Adida <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The RDFa Primer is ready for review. Please read this in preparation for
> the face-to-face: it's short and sweet.
> The XHTML1.1 RDFa Syntax document will be ready and sent to the lists
> tomorrow (Friday) night. If you're interested in the details of RDFa, in
> particular how to build a parser, you'll want to read that document, too.
> If you're pressed for time, though, stick to the Primer.
> As a reminder, we'd like the XHTML1.1 RDFa Syntax document to go REC
> track. We have test cases [1] and implementations [2] as supporting
> documentation.
> We look forward to your feedback!
> -Ben
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Friday, 21 September 2007 11:36:08 UTC