Re: RDFa Primer Ready for Review

Hi Ben,

On Thu, Sep 20, 2007 at 07:36:23PM -0700, Ben Adida wrote:
> The RDFa Primer is ready for review. Please read this in preparation for
> the face-to-face: it's short and sweet.
> The XHTML1.1 RDFa Syntax document will be ready and sent to the lists
> tomorrow (Friday) night. If you're interested in the details of RDFa, in
> particular how to build a parser, you'll want to read that document, too.
> If you're pressed for time, though, stick to the Primer.
> As a reminder, we'd like the XHTML1.1 RDFa Syntax document to go REC
> track. We have test cases [1] and implementations [2] as supporting
> documentation.

Thank you for the update.  I have edited
as follows:

> * Required reading
> * Optional reading
>   * XHTML1.1 RDFa Syntax (to be available 2007-09-21)
> * For discussion at the meeting: Are the following ready for REC track?
>   * XHTML1.1 RDFa Syntax (see above)
>   * Supporting documentation
>     * [ Test cases - 1]
>     * [ Test cases - 2]
>     * [ Implementations]

Two questions:

-- Whom should I put down as discussion leader in Amsterdam?

-- Does the RDFa TF seek input (or decisions) from the rest
   of SWD WG on any specific technical issues, beyond the
   general question about REC track?


Tom Baker - -

Received on Friday, 21 September 2007 11:08:33 UTC