Re: tracker 'states' proposal

At 01:04 PM 2/20/2007 -0500, Jon Phipps wrote:
>>From the Tracker Feature Page:

Take all that with a large grain of salt.

Responsiblity for the tracker project is moving from Dean Jackson,
tracker's author, to the W3C Systems Team.  The expectation is
that tracker or its successor will become one of the formally
supported W3C tools after that transition.

>I'd like to suggest that it might be most useful to allow each working group to define their own 'states' vocabulary, for both actions and issues, for tracking their products.

I would expect that the vocabulary will undergo review during
or shortly after this transition.  I might also expect that
son-of-tracker might permit some individual customization
by each WG but the intent would be to have a base vocabulary
that is common to all WGs.  Part of the function at which
son-of-tracker is targeted is reducing the effort required in
Director's meetings when a WG requests a transition to
a new maturity level.  The Systems Team is tasked to develop
tools that help meet the Director's expectations with respect
to documentation of issues status at those transition meetings.

>And as long as we're on the subject, although much lower priority, it would also be useful to have:
>* An 'Owner' field exactly like the 'Raised By' field in the Issues Detail
>* A 'Related Issue' field in the Actions Detail 
>And then of course it would be nice to be able to see:
>* A hyperlinked list of related actions in the Issue Detail
>* A linkable Person detail that would show all of my Issues raised and owned, and actions assigned 

These are all useful additions to the tracker wish list, thanks.
I will try to make sure they're not forgotten as the transition

Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 19:07:04 UTC